McElhany Family Session

The summer is off to a great start! I had so much fun with the McElhany family and just have to share how much fun we had!

Summer is a great time for family photos! I loved taking pictures of the McElhany family during this past week. Summer is also a fun time to take pictures of your kids with their friends or at camp, or even just playing outside. Just remember to take the pictures and make sure you are in the pictures too!

These times are so precious, I never want you to forget them. I encourage you to print these pictures they don’t just belong on your phone. When you book with me you have access to professional prints within the gallery I deliver.
Have fun with your family this summer and remember to capture these memories to stop time in its tracks!

So, that’s the McElhany family. We have a lot of fun together and enjoy spending time with each other. I am so grateful for all of you who follow along with my stories and watch my videos! Thank you for taking the time to read about us today, and I hope you enjoyed it!

Lots of Love,
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