I am currently on a senior portraits buzz and I am loving it!Had a great day hanging out with Reagan at @ Hannahwrens land. One of the many benefits of being a photographer is becoming friends with amazing likeminded people who love to help you create beautiful images and thats exactly what @Hannah helped me with today and I am so grateful for her generosity and overall being an awesome person. We were so lucky with the weather. We got all our shots done with great lighting and we finished up just before it got to hot. It was such an enjoyable day spent with Reagan and getting to hear of her stories at Pleasant Grove and her cheerleading there, it made me feel nostalgic about my time cheering at PG when I attended high school there too. Reagan and I spent the day having a blast, trying out new poses and taking goofy shots in between taking her senior portraits. When you think of photography you probably don’t think of it as being a risky or dangerous job but behind the scenes we were wearing mud boots to keep safe from any snakes hiding in the long grass, the last thing you want when taking portraits is to be concerned about getting a bite from a snake even though the reaction might make for a funny photo! Overall I had a great day getting to work outside doing what I love most getting to take and create beautiful photography and it was a bonus getting to do it at a great location thanks to @Hannah. I hope Reagan enjoyed the day just as much as I did and I wish her all the best when she graduates and heads off to the University of Arkansas, you never know I might end up taking her graduating photos when she finishes school there too!
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