Set against the enchanting backdrop of Luttrellstown Castle in Dublin, Dan and Anna's wedding was as warm and welcoming as they are. With their beloved dog Finley by their side, the celebration blended heartfelt moments with vibrant Irish traditions, featuring captivating dancers and a lively band that brought the magic of Ireland to life.
Photography and Videography- Jayce Keil
Video Team - Brian O'Reilly
Design — Sinclair & Moore
Venue — Luttrlestown Castle
Wedding Dress - Verona Bridal
Jayce & Brian have captured the most beautiful memories through their photos and videos of our wedding day that we will cherish forever!
— Anna & Dan, 2024 Wedding
We book a limited number of weddings and events each year to ensure we create from a space of unlimited creativity. As such, we recommend inquiring early and often to reserve your date.